Tuesday 14 January 2014

No Rest For the Wicked!

When you start out in a team, you have to get the teamwork going and then you get something back.  {Michael Schumacher}
They always say that "All good things must come to an end" and although I'm always disappointed when the season comes to a close, this year I was truly gutted! It had been a tough one, what with new challenges, illness and flooding but blimey I had some fun.  And after the season ended on that Sunday.. the fun didn't stop there.

Monday morning, and I find myself in Debenhams, plate in hand collecting my "eight item breakfast" and coffee.  I pulled out a chair and set down with my new "workmates!"  It was the YAT crew, and today I went from "honorary" member to full blown, 'blood, sweat and tears' worker.  Liza has asked me (as she had last year) if I was free to help with Panto clear up.  As I was unable last year, I thought this was the perfect opportunity to earn my stripes.  Sandy was working Sunday and Monday so there was no rush to head home and as she had pointed out, it was a kind of closure for the run. 

I wasn't ready for the shock and trauma of seeing the stage so bear and unpanto like so soon though!  Obviously the set had been struck by the crew Sunday evening, and all that was left were lights, a few props and lots of "stuff" that we were there to sort and pack away. 

Now I make no claims to be a strong physical type.  I am what is known as... weak!  But I got stuck in as much as I could.  I was hoisting chairs from storage, moving lots of 'heavy looking' boxes and sorting hundreds of screws and fittings.  One of my main jobs - which I loved was painting the stage.  Paint rollers on long broom handles painting the floor.  There was a team of four of us, including Orla from wardrobe and follow spotter Rosie, who I managed to trick and block in with my paint.  I told you we had fun!  Poor girl had to take her socks off and walk across the wet paint... I felt no guilt!

Then we headed out side, in the rain to dispose of some debris from the flood damage.  I'd taken my shoes off to avoid the paint and opted for my much loved panto slippers (already in need of replacing) which were now obviously getting... quite wet.  Unfortunately they went into the skip themselves  a little earlier than anticipated.  It emerged that a homeless (or maybe a drunk) had decided to leave us a little "parcel" by the watersheds, which my slipper somehow managed to find!  In I went to find an alternative... the company wellies, last worn on stage as a joke when we were flooded.

We had created a chain of people passing all the sodden wood and boards down towards the skip.  At one point some small wooden dowling rods were being passed along the line, one by one, prompting Rosie to ask "Where have all these poles come from?!"  Still obviously in Panto mode, "well that's the new immigration laws" I replied!  We even had a member of the public joining our chain to help pass the rubbish at one point.  How cool are we if we make trash removal look fun!?

The Brit for lunch and quite simply an amazing burger... Going to be a long time before I regularly frequent this place again!

After lunch and now the sad bit.  Chopping up the theatre Christmas trees.  Two of them have been on the roof during the season and after the crew managed to get them down it was up to me and Scott to break them down and skip them.  The plan was that I would take off the branches with the axe, whilst Scott used the Chain saw, to break up the trunk... perfect for Liza's fire!  Unfortunately he had some 'technical difficulties' and by the time he'd got power, I'd stripped by tree... and gosh that was hard work!  

Thankfully though I didn't lose any fingers or toes. Although I probably have pneumonia from being out in the heavy rain and thunder storms!  I was soaked to the bone!

We had to laugh at the image on the front of that weeks Surrey Advertiser if anyone realised who I was whilst chopping away, outside the theatre.  "Panto star destroys Christmas!"  thankfully no such report went to print!

It was great to spend the day with the crew!  We had a laugh, as we knew we would and ended the day, after I'd showered and put my only change of clothes and socks in the dryer, by playing dodgeball on stage.  The iron was brought in to create a walled court and the balls from our opening number became the 'ammo' for the game.  It was so much fun, although unfortunately my team didn't win.

There is only ever one way to end a shift for the YAT crew and that's a trip to the Brit, so we were back for a beer or seven (just one for me - driving) and a fantastic spread laid on by Liza and the pub!  We had sarnies, pork pie, quiche, some healthy muck and... best bit of all... Cadbury's fingers with dipping sauce!!!  That is an idea that shall soon be created at Number 43!!  We all had a great chat and a giggle, before I said my goodbyes and set off for home.

I'd left all my gear in the dressing room, knowing that it would be easier to collect it today and so popped back into the Arnaud after fetching my car.  The corridors were only dimly lit by the emergency lights and the place was eerily quiet.  I've wondered the backstage area alone before, when I used to work here, but it felt very spooky, considering the hustle, bustle and excitement I'd become used to over the past two months.

I popped into PG's dressing room, now missing his sleeping bag, false lashes and yankee candle - odd to see it so empty.  I then headed up to my own room and removed all my stuff before, sitting for a moment or two thinking about all the fun and achievements of the past 9 weeks.  I even had my own underscore... I'd recorded the band playing the overture before we'd finished!  How Melancholic!!!

Thankfully I still have some audience viewing to cheer me up!

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