Thursday 12 December 2013

The Panto Begins to Settle - Unlike our Stomachs.

"Every single night I'm nervous. You never know how the audience is going to react." {Vivienne Leigh}

Well folks it would appear that the Panto lurgy is finally leaving me; last few coughs and splutters I hope.  And the voice is holding out well too!  It is however still spreading.  Tom, our prince! he was all bunged up the other day followed by sister Kitty, and now ol' PG has a bug.  I have honestly never known anything like it... For virtually everyone to have been ill so early in the run.  Let's hope that will be it for this season.  I commented on twitter that we have vitamins, towels, water, buckets and cold compresses all on stand-by in the wings.  And were all slightly nervous to see who will be struck next and.... With what!? The saga continues.....

So press night has been and gone.  We had mainly the local press in on Tuesday!  A number of whom, we will have met on the press launch day or spoken to over the phone.  Wether reviews are slowly starting to trickle in, and although they are a bit of a mixed bag, all seem the think its a great show!! I'm not going to bore you quoting reviews as you can (if you wanted to) search them for yourselves or see .  I do however want to mention one review which I am the most proud of... As a lover of Panto I was thrilled to read "his obvious mastery of the art of pantomime acting." If I get crappy reviews for the rest of the season... That ones going on the wall!! Haha

You often hear actors, directors and producers alike, talking about whether they bother to read reviews or whether they eventually take any of it to heart.  As I think I mentioned last year however, for me as a performer, still quite wet behind the ears compared to some, it's a great boost to see that your work hasn't passed without note.  I still get very nervous when it comes to opening the show... It's only natural I think... It drives your performance.  One thing I would say... Don't over play it just because you know the press are in.  The critics aren't stupid - they'll see through it. 

I've been doing lots of autograph signing, which is great.  I enjoy it.  again it's another boost to see that people are taking the time and making the effort to come and say hello.  I always have to say the names ten times though, I'm no good with the spelling of names.  

Producer Jamie Barber and director Gerry, have been very complimentary over the past few weeks.  Probably without realising, they have put my mind at rest on numerous occasions  and encouraged where needed.  Both, have shared some very kind words, which I feel very proud of.  At least I don't feel like I've let them down after taking the risk of an "unknown comic?"

Just side-stepping slightly.... We (the Jarvo and I) had an amazing day on Monday... Our day off!!  We got up nice and late, for tea and crumpets, followed by sherry and Christmas songs as we put up our first Christmas tree together.  It looks absolutely fantastic!!! So classy and elegant, even if I do say so myself.  The pictures probably won't do it justice but I'll post one anyway.  We then spent the evening at Winter Wonderland, in Hyde Park.  I was a WW virgin, which surprised Sandy as I'm such a big Christmas fan.  Truth is though I didn't used to have someone to go with... But I do now!!  We had hog roast bags, pies, mulled wine, German beer and my favourite.... DOUGHNUTS!!!  Much fun was had by both, even though Sandy did most of the talking... I was being a little bit sensible. 

Anyway, I'm of for some teriyaki mackerel....! Fishy!

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